Public hearings were held last week and earlier this spring for the entitlements needed by the Berendo Street Baptist Church, which is located in the heart of LA's Koreatown. Among the entitlements needed are a Site Plan Review and Zoning Administrator's Adjustments for reduced yard setbacks for the new buildings and the subterranean parking. The project's draft MND was published last month; no potentially significant environmental impacts were determined by the Planning Department.
The church was organized in March 1957, only the second Korean Baptist church in the United States. It has been called the "mother ship" of Korean Baptist churches in the U.S. because of its activist role in training Korean Baptist ministers and the missionary services that its members have traditionally provided around the country.
The Zoning Administrator's Determination Letter on the new project has yet to be issued. Typically, the ZA's office issues its ruling 4-6 weeks after the public hearing, so the church should know by early October whether it can proceed with its ambitious growth plan.
Berendo Street Baptist Church is located at 975 S. Berendo St.
Korean Council to meet in L.A.
History of the Korean immigrant Baptist church movement: