Highland Park Brewery will be a sister company of and operate within the Hermosillo Club, a hipster beer and wine bar that has grown in popularity over the past year, according to its strong Yelp! ratings.
The draft Mitigated Negative Declaration says the only "potentially significant" environmental impact is odor from roasting grains. Clearly, the associate Planner who wrote that is a teetotaler. What beer drinker doesn't love the smell of roasting grains?!
Anyway, the owner told the Highland Park-Mt. Washington Patch that the project already has the support of the Historic Highland Park Neighborhood Council, Councilman Jose Huizar's office and the LAPD. The owner said the first batch could be flowing by September if the Zoning Administrator's public hearing is in early August, as he currently believes.
Planning Dept. Draft MND
Yelp! Reviews
Highland Park-Mt. Washington Patch