Developers of a controversial mixed use project in Northeast Los Angeles will have to overcome Planning staff and neighborhood opposition when they present their case to the City Planning Commission on Thursday.
City Terrace LLC is proposing a 45,388-square-foot Charter Elementary School, a 20-unit multi-family residential structure and a 2,363 square-foot cafe on a vacant, 4.8-acre hillside lot in the 2500 block of North Eastern Avenue in El Sereno.
The development requires a Zone Change (with new Height District) and General Plan Amendment in order to be built as constructed. But the Planning Department staff report on the project just released recommends that the City Planning Commission denies both requests, which would kill the project if the CPC concurs.
The project has received a lot of attention from local residents, neighborhood groups and media. At a recent, special meeting of the LA-32 Neighborhood Council, the developer's presentation caused an "audible gasp" from neighbors who were surprised at its size and complexity, according to Curbed LA.
Opponents have created a website (http://90032.org/) to gather opposition signatures and collect documents produced by the developer and Planning Department.
The City Planning Commission meeting Thursday starts at 8:30 a.m. at City Hall, 200 N. Spring St., Room 350.
Preserve El Sereno website:
Curbed LA: No Love For School/Apartment Project on El Sereno Hillside
Eastsider LA: El Sereno mixed-use project meets with resistance