Because the City Council is calling this a Special Meeting, it only needed to provide 24-hour notice of the hearing. If 12 or more council members vote unanimously in support of the motions today, the items can skip the required 2nd reading and go straight to the Mayor’s office. Mayor Garcetti has 10 days to sign it; once he does, it goes back to the City Clerk for publishing. As soon as the City Clerk publishes the approved and signed ordinances, they take effect because each of these ordinances have an urgency clause attached to them.
Bottom line: The new BHO, BMO, R1 ordinances could take effect as early as Monday, March 6, and will likely take effect no later than early in the week of March 13, assuming the council has at least 12 members present today and they all vote in favor of each of these ordinances. If the council has fewer than 12 members and/or one or more members opposes the ordinances, the ordinances will return to the City Council on March 8 for a second reading and vote which would mean they take effect later this month. This is unlikely, but it is possible.
The meeting is scheduled to begin at 10:15 a.m. in the John Ferraro Council Chamber (Room 340) of Los Angeles City Hall, 200 N Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90012.
The agenda for today’s hearing is here:
The Council Files for these items can be found on the City Clerk’s website.
Baseline Mansionization/Baseline Hillside Code Amendment:
R1 Variation Zones Code Amendment:
Neighborhood Conservation Zone Changes: