MDT Developers has requested a Zone Change to construct the 50-foot-tall mixed-use project at 20460 Sherman Way that will include 4,066 square-feet of commercial space on the ground floor and 42 ground floor parking spaces.
The Winnetka NC says it voted unanimously to recommend denial of the Sherman Way project to former Councilman Dennis Zine and the Planning Department. "(But) Councilmember Zine ignored our recommendation and supported the development," according to the WNC, which is scheduled to vote Tuesday on recommendations to either send a "strongly worded letter to the (Planning) Commission," to request support of the WNC position from new Councilman Bob Blumenfield, or "any other actions" the board decides.
This is just the latest elder residence that has drawn the ire of neighborhood councils, homeowners groups and others in the San Fernando Valley. Last week, the East Northridge Neighborhood Council voted on a measure to oppose a proposed elder-care facility in Northridge. And leaders of the Community Rights Foundation of Los Angeles, a Woodland Hills-based activist group, have helped "educate, organize, and provide sample appeals" to groups opposed to newly proposed elder-care facilities.
A public hearing was held on June 21 for the Sherman Way project so the Planning Department could receive public input. But the Zone Variance request has yet to to be scheduled on a South Valley Area Planning Commission agenda.
The WNC meets Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at Valley Village, 20830 Sherman Way Blvd.
Winnetka NC Agenda (Tuesday, July 9):
Planning Department electronic case tracking:
CityWatch: "Eldercare Facility Ordinance Has Community Outraged"