The Coalition to Stop Il Villaggio Toscano opposes the project because of "massive traffic" and other environmental impacts it will have on the surrounding community.
The coalition was created by the Encino Property Owners Assn. (EPOA), Homeowners of Encino (HOME) and Sherman Oaks Homeowners Assn. (SOHA), three well-known and active homeowners groups in the South Valley. The coalition says it's not trying to kill the project, just to "actively reduce the size and scope of the project."
The project was originally proposed in 2004 to include 500 units, but the developer asked for and received approval for just 325 units at the CPC hearing last month. The 8-story project will also include 55,000 square feet of commercial space, an outdoor plaza and approximately 1,200 parking spaces.
The project's Final EIR was published in January 2013. The developer requested numerous entitlements, which were granted by the CPC, including a Zone Change, new Height District, and several exceptions to the Ventura/Cahuenga Boulevard Corridor Specific Plan. The project also has a Vesting Tentative Tract that was approved earlier this year by the city Planning Department.
Not every prominent group in the area opposed Il Villaggio Toscano. The Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council voted in May 2012 to support the project, the Daily News reported.
The project will ultimately require City Council approval.
Appeal of CPC-2010-3152-ZC-HD-SPE-SPR-SPP-CUB-1A
Final Environmental Impact Report:
Coalition to Stop Il Villaggio Toscano
LADN: Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council approves 399-unit apartment development